About Us
Who are we? / ¿Quien somos?
We are a Christian community that inspires people to search who God is in their lives. We create this community by inviting people to encounter God by following Christ through five shared practices:
Worship / Small Groups / Prayer-Meditation / Giving / Service in the community
Somos una comunidad cristiana que inspira a las personas a buscar quién es Dios en sus vidas. Creamos esta comunidad invitando a las personas a encontrar a Dios siguiendo a Cristo a través de cinco prácticas compartidas:
Adoración / Grupos pequeños / Oración-Meditación / Generoso / Servicio en Comunidad

Armando Alvarado, Jr.
Lead Pastor
Member of the Central Texas Conference United Methodist Church. Served at El Divino Salvador UMC-Sherman, TX, (Rio Grande Conf), First UMC-Garland, TX, (NTC), First UMC-Grapevine, TX, (CTC), New Riverside UMC-Fort Worth, TX, (CTC). I’ve been in Ministry since 2004. Ordained in 2010 as an Elder in Full Connection. Originally from South Texas-Rio Grande Valley-Edinburg, TX. Married to Mariella, 3 Children, 1 Grandson and 1 dog. Enjoy playing sports, mainly baseball, cycling, and walking. Love all styles of music. Mark 2:1-12 favorite scripture.

Abi Ramirez
Administrative Assistant/Nursery Director

Marilyn Nance